Learn Chinese National Day: Words, Phrases, Messages, Greetings.

Chinese National Day: Words, Phrases, Messages, Greetings

Today is the National Day in China. Walking in the streets and alleys, there is a warm and festive atmosphere everywhere.

Chinese National Day 1st October.
Chinese National Day: 1st October.

We are celebrating China’s National Day.

Let’s learn some important Words, Phrases, Messages, and Greetings related to the National Day. Pinyin is included (this page/site contains affiliate links; see Affiliate disclosure).

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When is the Chinese National Day?

PRC was founded on 21st September 1949. However, the grand ceremony to celebrate the founding of the republic was held in Beijing on October 1st in 1949. Since then, it has become a tradition to celebrate the national day on 1st October.

Hence, every year, China celebrates its National Day on October 1st.

Ever since 1950, every October 1st has been grandly celebrated by Chinese people. 

In 2022, China celebrated its 73rd National Day.

Learn Chinese National Day: Words, Phrases, Messages, Greetings.
Learn Chinese National Day: Words, Phrases, Messages, Greetings.

National Day Holidays

National Day is a statutory holiday to celebrate the anniversary of the country’s independence. Usually, holidays (October break) for celebrating National Day lasts from 1st to 7th October.

This weeklong holiday is known as Golden Week (黄金周, Huángjīn Zhōu) in China.

  • Golden Week: 黄金周 (Huángjīn Zhōu)

How to Say National Day in Chinese?

National Day: 国庆节 (ɡuó qìnɡ jié)

We say “Guo Qing Jie”.

Chinese National Day Greetings and messages (国庆节祝福语)

  • Happy National Day!
  • 国庆节快乐!
  • Guó qìnɡ jié kuàilè!
  • Happy National Day!
  • 国庆快乐!
  • Guó qìnɡ kuàilè!
  • Happy Golden Week!  
  • 黄金周快乐! 
  • Huángjīn Zhōu Kuàilè!
  • Wish you Happy National Day!
  • 祝你国庆节快乐!
  • Zhù nǐ guó qìnɡ jié kuàilè!
  • I wish you a happy holiday.
  • 祝你节日快乐。
  • Zhù nǐ jiérì kuàilè.
  • I wish everyone a happy holiday.
  • 祝大家节日快乐。
  • Zhù dàjiā jiérì kuàilè.
  • Always stay happy! Happy National Day!
  • 永远都能幸福快乐!国庆,更要快乐哦!
  • Yǒngyuǎn dōu néng xìngfú kuàilè! Guóqìng, gèng yào kuàilè ó!
  • Happy birthday to our motherland.
  • 祖国生日快乐。
  • Zǔguó shēngrì kuàilè.
  • Happy Birthday to Motherland
  • 祖国母亲生日快乐。
  • Zǔguó mǔqīn shēngrì kuàilè
  • The country is prosperous and the people are safe
  • 山河远阔,国泰民安。
  • Shānhé yuǎn kuò, guótàimín’ān.

Words and Phrases


  • Plan/intend: 打算 (dǎ suàn)
  • Study: 学习 (xué xí)
  • Wedding: 婚礼 (hūn lǐ
  • Travel: 旅游 (lǚ yóu)
  • Go out: 出去 (chū qù)
  • Have a meal: 吃饭 (chī fàn)
  • Outing: 效游 (jiāo yóu)
  • Have a rest: 休息 (xiū xī)


  • China, I love You. (For foreigners).
  • 我爱你,中国。
  • Wǒ ài nǐ, zhōngguó.
  • I love my motherland. (For Chinese).
  • 我爱祖国。
  • Wǒ ài zǔguó.
  • What are your plans for National Day?
  • 国庆节,你有什么打算?
  • Gó qìng jié,nǐ yǒu shén me dǎ suàn.
  • I intend to……
  • 我打算……
  • wǒ dǎ suàn….
  • I plan to study.
  • 我打算学习。
  • wǒ dǎ suàn xué xí.
  • I intend to attend my friend’s wedding.
  • 我打算参加朋友的婚礼。
  • wǒ dǎ suàn cān jiā péng yǒu de hūn lǐ.
  • I plan to travel.
  • 我打算旅游。
  • wǒ dǎ suàn lǚ yóu.
  • I intend to go out with my friends.
  • 我打算和朋友出去。
  • wǒ dǎ suàn hé péng yǒu chū qù.
  • I intend to have a meal in the restaurant with my family.
  • 我打算跟我的家人去饭店吃饭。
  • wǒ dǎ suàn gēn wǒ de jiā rén qù fàn diàn chī fàn.
  • I intend to go for an outing.
  • 我打算去郊游。
  • wǒ dǎ suàn qù jiāo yóu.
  • I plan to have a rest.
  • 我想休息。
  • wǒ xiǎng xiū xī.

Bonus Words

China’s National Flag is also known as The Five Starred Red Flag” (五星红旗 Wǔ Xīng Hóng Qí).

At the Founding Ceremony on October 1st 1949, Mao Zedong (毛泽东, Máo Zédōng) pressed the button and raised the first flag (五星红旗) in central Beijing.

  • Mao Zedong: 毛泽东 (Máo Zédōng)
  • National Flag: 国旗 (guó qí)
  • Five-Starred Red Flag: 五星红旗 (wǔ xīng hóng qí)
  • National Anthem: 国歌 (ɡuó gē)
  • March of the Volunteers: 《义勇军进行曲》(yì yǒng jūn jìn xíng qǔ)

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